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Another Reaction Fire Question


joe davis:
I don't understand the reason for the new reaction fire reservation menu.  I designate the type of shot I want to perform in reaction time by a check in the shot selection already.  Which by the way, I love this  ;D.  Why do I need to select the shot type again in a different menu?  I was spoiled with the old way of selecting reaction fire reservation ::), click for one, click for several, click for off, easy.  Now I got pop ups and it takes me longer, and I got to think more...for what :'(?  Sorry for whining, but for real though, what's up with that?

joe davis:
 :o LOL, sometimes I am slow.  I fired up the game and got a tip of the day that if I hit x that I can scroll through the reservations like the old days, so I hit the x and guess what I find?  You may say that I found out that I was a moron, but you would be wrong, I already knew that, lol.  Directly under the button that I used to hit to reserve fire reaction is another button with a shield that does it now.   ::) Aint my face blue.

Definitely not used to the new system yet.  The old system of reaction fire was easier to work with, but less realistic.


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