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OSX installers

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I downloaded the dev version yesterday and it feels quite well. However, there are some loose ends:
- The first battle I played had all my characters replaced by “blobs”, and even some of them had alien heads! Curiously enough, the only soldier that I had well displayed hadn't any armor on; all the others had armor on and were “blobs”. All the other characters —aliens, civilians— had their correct textures. Unfortunately, I didn't take a screenshot.
- When I tried to play a second battle to reproduce the error —and to kill some more aliens!—, the game crashed —it was an Africa map—.

- Today I tried to play again that Africa map: the first time, surprinsingly enough, it worked and all my soldiers had their correct textures! However, I reloaded to give an armor to that soldier who didn't wear one and this second time the game crashed when loaded the same map. Here's the console log:

--- Code: ---16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] Connecting to localhost...
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] connection attempt from loopback connection
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] load material file: 'materials/africa.mat'
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] S_LoadSound: Failed loading /opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib: dlopen(/opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib, 2): image not found.
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'ambience/alien_engine'
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] S_LoadSound: Failed loading /opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib: dlopen(/opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib, 2): image not found.
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'ambience/alien_engine'
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] Starting the game...
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] ~~ has joined team 1
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] music change to dawn (from karlmacklin_geoscape)
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] Bad texnum (0) in: src/client/renderer/r_mesh.c (298): R_DrawModelDirect
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 0   ufo                                 0x0015a191 Sys_Backtrace + 31
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 3   ???                                 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 4   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x957b423a raise + 26
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 6   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x957b53db __assert_rtn + 101
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 7   ufo                                 0x00152737 R_SelectTexture + 242
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 8   ufo                                 0x001527cc R_BindTextureDebug + 72
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 10  ufo                                 0x000d6c41 MN_DrawModelNode + 1367
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 12  ufo                                 0x000bb635 MN_CaptureDrawOver + 3775
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 13  ufo                                 0x000bb719 MN_CaptureDrawOver + 4003
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 15  ufo                                 0x000bbb23 MN_Draw + 309
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 17  ufo                                 0x00013b10 CL_Frame + 289
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 19  ufo                                 0x000fb03b Qcommon_Frame + 140
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 20  ufo                                 0x0015a640 main + 307
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 0   ufo                                 0x0015a191 Sys_Backtrace + 31
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 2   ufo                                 0x0015a1f3 Sys_Backtrace + 129
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 3   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x957402bb _sigtramp + 43
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 5   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x957b423a raise + 26
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 6   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x957c0679 abort + 73
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 8   ufo                                 0x00152737 R_SelectTexture + 242
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 9   ufo                                 0x001527cc R_BindTextureDebug + 72
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 11  ufo                                 0x000d6c41 MN_DrawModelNode + 1367
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 13  ufo                                 0x000bb635 MN_CaptureDrawOver + 3775
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 15  ufo                                 0x000bb719 MN_CaptureDrawOver + 4003
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 16  ufo                                 0x000bbb23 MN_Draw + 309
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 18  ufo                                 0x00013b10 CL_Frame + 289
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 20  ufo                                 0x000fb03b Qcommon_Frame + 140
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 20  ufo                                 0x000fb03b Qcommon_Frame + 140
16/01/10 11:02:48 [0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146] 22  ufo                                 0x00002866 start + 54
16/01/10 11:02:48[69] ([0x0-0x15015].net.sourceforge.UFOAI[146]) Exited with exit code: 1  
--- End code ---

I didn't have any problem with the other functions of the game, it all worked pretty well. BTW, how does reaction fire work in this version? The game didn't reserve any TUs for reaction fire even when I selected it. However, the soldiers shot the alien, although I think that's because I manually reserved.

I hope this feedback is of some use and, above all, thanks for all the work!

See you!

[10.5.8, MacBook]

EDIT: I replayed that map and I again had those display problems. This time I took some screenshots, however I'm dismayed to see that the game saves them in Users/~~/.ufoai/2.3-dev/base. Anyway I could make the game save them in another place that it wasn't an invisible folder? I don't think that's particularly bright :(

thanks for the detailed feedback - that's exactly what we need

tu reservation was a bug that is fixed in more recent builds already

i will have a look at the other issues you told us about. hope to have them fixed soon (though the texnum issue is a hard one)

Using a MacBook Pro, 10.5.8. 

I installed the r28016 version, and it ran ok, although with the texture and TU reservation problems people mentioned, and some instability in missions.

The r28057 version, though, crashes before startup with the following output:

--- Code: ---2010-01-16 13:06:47.930 ufo[10716:10b] Can't open input server /Library/InputManagers/MultiClutchInputManager.bundle

---- filesystem initialization -----
Adding game dir: /usr/local/lib/ufoai/base
Adding game dir: /usr/local/share/ufoai/base
Adding game dir: ./base
Added packfile ./base/0base.pk3 (8 files)
Added packfile ./base/0maps.pk3 (512 files)
Added packfile ./base/0materials.pk3 (41 files)
Added packfile ./base/0media.pk3 (10 files)
Added packfile ./base/0models.pk3 (1652 files)
Added packfile ./base/0music.pk3 (48 files)
Added packfile ./base/0pics.pk3 (2541 files)
Added packfile ./base/0shaders.pk3 (12 files)
Added packfile ./base/0snd.pk3 (214 files)
Added packfile ./base/0ufos.pk3 (98 files)
Added packfile ./base/0videos.pk3 (1 files)
Adding game dir: /Users/michael/.ufoai/2.3-dev/base
using /Users/michael/.ufoai/2.3-dev/base for writing
executing default.cfg
executing config.cfg

----- network initialization -------
libcurl/7.16.3 OpenSSL/0.9.7l zlib/1.2.3 initialized.

------ server initialization -------
added 7 maps to the mapcycle

----- console initialization -------
Console initialized.

------- video initialization -------
SDL version: 1.2.13
I: desktop depth: 32bpp
I: video memory: 0
I: video driver: Quartz
I: setting mode 6
I: set swap control to 0
I: 1024x768 (fullscreen: no)
I: got 8 bits of stencil
I: got 24 bits of depth buffer
I: got double buffer
I: got 8 bits for red
I: got 8 bits for green
I: got 8 bits for blue
I: got 8 bits for alpha
I: got 0 multisample buffers
GL_RENDERER: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M OpenGL Engine
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_specular_vector GL_APPLE_transform_hint GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_fence GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators GL_APPLE_element_array GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_APPLE_float_pixels GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod
max texture units: 4
max texture size: detected 8192
but using 2048 as requested
R_LoadProgram: 'world' loaded.
R_LoadProgram: 'mesh' loaded.
R_LoadProgram: 'warp' loaded.
SDL_ttf version 2.0.9 - we need at least 2.0.7

------- sound initialization -------
SDL_mixer version: 1.2.8
... driver: 'coreaudio'
... audio rate: 44100
... audio channels: 2

------- input initialization -------
0 possible joysticks
no joystick found.

----------- parse scripts ----------
Assertion failed: (memory != NULL), function Com_AlignPtr, file src/common/scripts.c, line 348.
0   ufo                                 0x0015f0d1 Sys_Backtrace + 31
1   ufo                                 0x0015f11e Sys_Backtrace + 108
2   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x948962bb _sigtramp + 43
3   ???                                 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295
4   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x9490a23a raise + 26
5   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x94916679 abort + 73
6   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x9490b3db __assert_rtn + 101
7   ufo                                 0x0010b096 Com_AlignPtr + 84
8   ufo                                 0x000c2461 MN_AllocStaticAction + 5646
9   ufo                                 0x000c3862 MN_ParseIcon + 251
10  ufo                                 0x0001276a CL_ParseClientData + 325
11  ufo                                 0x0011248b Com_ParseScripts + 1063
12  ufo                                 0x000fa88c Qcommon_Init + 1560
13  ufo                                 0x0015f544 main + 247
14  ufo                                 0x00002226 start + 54
0   ufo                                 0x0015f0d1 Sys_Backtrace + 31
1   ufo                                 0x0015e083 Sys_Error + 21
2   ufo                                 0x0015f133 Sys_Backtrace + 129
3   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x948962bb _sigtramp + 43
4   ???                                 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295
5   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x9490a23a raise + 26
6   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x94916679 abort + 73
7   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x9490b3db __assert_rtn + 101
8   ufo                                 0x0010b096 Com_AlignPtr + 84
9   ufo                                 0x000c2461 MN_AllocStaticAction + 5646
10  ufo                                 0x000c3862 MN_ParseIcon + 251
11  ufo                                 0x0001276a CL_ParseClientData + 325
12  ufo                                 0x0011248b Com_ParseScripts + 1063
13  ufo                                 0x000fa88c Qcommon_Init + 1560
14  ufo                                 0x0015f544 main + 247
15  ufo                                 0x00002226 start + 54
Error: Received signal 6.

--- End code ---

Hope that's useful, and thanks so much for providing these installers!

r28057 is crashing during launch (bounces in the dock and crashes) on 10.6.2, same errors as above.

Yeah, same deal. r28057bounces and dies, same logs.

By the way - thanks for uploading these!


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