Technical support > Mac

OSX installers

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The latest snapshot at is now over year old :(.


--- Quote from: ovvldc on February 15, 2014, 12:45:52 pm ---The latest snapshot at is now over year old :(.

--- End quote ---

Sorry, but mattn is busy in rl and apparently none of the currently active devs uses a mac. So any help here would be very welcome.

in fact i've reset my bulid chain on my mac, because i wanted to switch to 10.9 for future builds. it is still work in progress to set everything up again - as this is only a machine that i'm using to compile ufoai. as soon as i found the time to set everything up again - there will be new installers.

thanks to apple that there is no cross compile chain so we can't provide nightly builds....

Took me a whole day to compile it, but it seems I have a working 2.6dev build. I can upload it somewhere if needed. Also, I might be able to remember the code changes (a few, not so many) I had to do so this build will compile.

oh yes - please submit patches. they are more than welcome. if you could upload the dmg somewhere, please let me know, then we will be able to mirror it.


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