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2.2.1 Questions
A message appears: Gratulation for Victory or so, play now the Multiplayer mode.
I come back from the TODO Mission and the game ends. I reaload an can Play forward, but no more Enemies comes to me. Its still around the Earth. Its so frustrating, I have some Unteroffiziere and some other good stuff. Im afraif about new Missions with my good Soldiers and then this...^^ ;D
How can new missions be spawned when you win and destroy all aliens?
I dont defeat them all. The Game Ends abruptly in the Storyline.
> The Game Ends abruptly in the Storyline.
This is another question and another problem.
I playd the game new from Begin.
I read in this forum all ten live Aliens I become a new Technology.
Ten Aliens new Technology.
Twenty Aliens nothing?
At this time I have fourty living aliens, an nothing new apears.
Is this a Bug?
I have the Aliens in a Base without Labors.
And in a other Base 5 Labors.
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