Technical support > Mac
OSX build of UFO:AI 2.3 available as torrent
Greetings fellow recruits and officers alike,
I couldn't find OSX build for UFO:AI 2.3, so I fetched the sources from SVN and build .dmg for everyone's pleasure.
It's available as Torrent (1.4GB file and I don't have place to host):
NOTICE: Seems to work only in Intel machines with 10.6 (Snow leopard).
If there's interest in such builds and nobody is doing OSX builds regularly I can bake a build from time to time.
Ossi Herrala
it would be nice to have regular macos builds, too
In first, happy new year to ufo team and everyone !
Thanks oherrala for this job. Don't work on my computer, but I think it's because it is a PPC and not an Intel... Next time, if you make again a build, it is a great difference to make it for both PPC and Intel ? I can wait a few month ! UfoAi is a great game, and I think there is a lot of improvement since 2.2.
Build didnt work for me.
Running OS 10.5.8 - Intel
Did i do something wrongly?
--- Quote from: Itch on January 04, 2010, 10:15:31 pm ---Build didnt work for me.
Running OS 10.5.8 - Intel
Did i do something wrongly?
--- End quote ---
No, I think it's my fault. I only have OSX 10.6 machine and didn't pay attention to how to build 10.4 and/or 10.5 compatible binaries. But can you send me the output of running the application from command line?
Launch e.g. Terminal.App, and run /Application/ or fix the path to your UFO:AI installation path.
Is there anyone in the community who could give me some tips how to build 10.4 or 10.5 compatible binaries of UFO:AI? I tried to build universal (i386 and ppc) compatible binary yesterday, but got stuck into issues which will be topic of another post.
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