Development > Artwork

Model vertical scale a bit off (why?)

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I've been trying different things to test the new models, and I've found that the game stretches (scales) the soldier body and head models vertically a bit - how do I adjust this?  I can't seem to find it in the .ufo files.

Notice how the headshot in the upper-left corner looks different in scale compared to the main display.

Edit:  Please also notice in the last two pics how the new model comes out taller than the old ones.

Upp!  Hang on, I found part of the issue:  I thought the new model in Blender was the right scale, it wasn't.

This part should be easily fixable in Blender.

Still, why does the corner head picture differ in scale from the main display one?

i think this is not the case - but it looks like it is the case because of the chose rotation angle of the camera. the hair of your soldiers head makes the head look like vertically stretched.

the engine is not doing any stretching with the models.

Actually, I now suspect it may be the OpenGL drivers for my new video card - I fired up a few other 3D games and saw the same difference comparing 3D perspective to orthographic graphics, and using OpenGL this happens but with DirectX games it does not.  I also looked at graphics in games that support both drivers and saw a difference.

OK, that one's solved.  I'll adjust the models in Blender.

Alright!  I tweaked things in Blender, re-exported, and now the new models work great both in the missions and the menus!

Those weapons still look gigantic though, some of them...

When all the new models are done, as I said before, we'll have to re-scale all the weapons.


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