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Just finished 2.3 (destroyed 1. base) - a bit of feedback

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Game ending: Standard Difficulty - ended: Oct. 2085 after I discovered a base that may have existed for some time.

Mission variety: only few missions, no great variation. I only played those that I find interesting (in mid- and endgame there are 10+ missions everywhere, so I chose thse that I like).

When did "endgame" start for me: Puh, hard to say. I would say it starts when the needler-guns appear (and make your life miserable). I would guess this could have been around Mai, but I'm not sure and I can't look it up, sorry.

In general: I think this information may not apply to your game if the difficulty setting is different.


Yes, I know (with the difficulty), but I needed a little hint (thanks for that). May 2085, so that "may" ( :D ) be June/July for me.


--- Quote from: ChemBro on January 02, 2010, 03:50:01 pm ---Is it possible to be more specifically
--- End quote ---

--- Code: --- case ABILITY_ACCURACY:
for (i = 0; i < SKILL_NUM_TYPES; i++) {
if (i == SKILL_SNIPER)
exp = 30 * (chr->scoreMission->hits[i][KILLED_ALIENS] + chr->scoreMission->hitsSplash[i][KILLED_ALIENS]);
exp = 20 * (chr->scoreMission->hits[i][KILLED_ALIENS] + chr->scoreMission->hitsSplash[i][KILLED_ALIENS]);

--- End code ---

For the complete list of calculations, read the relevant code (function G_GetEarnedExperience).

I can't read the code quite well, because I'm not a programmer. I only understand, how a soldier gets experience for his/her skills, but not how a skill evolves with this experience.

The problem is, I hit and killed so many aliens in this game and my snipers didn't gain a single point to accuracy. They should have got a lot of experience by now.

Maybe it's bugged, then, because you should get an increase in accuracy with all weapons, and sniper weapons more so.


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