Technical support > Linux

svn up broken download


Hello everyone. Could someone just ease my mind..............i lost my internet connection while svn updateing.......does svn cleanup solve this by remembering where the update lost the connection or will will this break the whole trunk?   help help help

Your Slippiness


--- Quote from: slippycurb on December 31, 2009, 11:59:18 pm ---Hello everyone. Could someone just ease my mind..............i lost my internet connection while svn updateing.......does svn cleanup solve this by remembering where the update lost the connection or will will this break the whole trunk?   help help help

Your Slippiness

--- End quote ---

I don't know common SVN bugs. I would do svn cleanup; svn up;.
(If that fuckups I can still do a new checkout :) )


thanks for the reply. im svn updateing now. Slow connection.I hope its o.k. Il post the results.


The update seems to be sucessful. Svn should be used for more projects :-)

Nice one


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