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balancing (skills) in 2.3-dev
I have some questions about skills and how you gain points to the specific ones. That's because I played some time and I have problems in gaining some points for specific skills.
In my game (2.3-dev) it is December 24th (yeah, what a coincidence ;D ) 2084. I have two snipers since the beginning of the game and one for example performed 80 missions and killed 60 enemies. But her accuracy is still at 20 (her starting skill points). It is, as far as I can see, the only skill, that didn't gain anything (depending on what she used).
Also all my other soldiers didn't gain any points to accuracy. They used the assault rifle and bolter rifle. Only my soldier with the grenade launcher gained points to accuracy (she has 35 atm, at the begining it was 20, I guess).
Okay, it is not quite true that my assault rifle soldiers didn't gain any points to accuracy. They had laser weapons inbetween and I guess they gained their points in that time. But not much.
(1) So my question is: How do you gain skill points to accuracy in 2.3-dev, if you are using assault/bolter/sniper rifle?
The second questions is about the skill "mind". As I stated, it is Dec 24th 2084 in my game. That is really late, I mean, it took me several hours to get to this point (50 h maybe?). I don't know when the game ends, but the problem here is: I played this game so long and my best soldier has only 47 points in mind. So to get the best rank, you need 92 (?) points in mind? That would be about 100 h of gameplay, until I get to this point (if the game doesn't end before).
(2) My question is: Is it possible to get a soldier to the highest rank, before the game ends?
I'm playing on easy, by the way (the second easiest difficulty).
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