Technical support > Mac

[FIXED in macports trunk] SDL_mixer + OGG broken? Fix in macports!

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--- Quote from: keybounce on August 28, 2010, 10:04:24 pm ---What do I need to do to get you on my computer? (It's behind a NAT router; do I have to forward ports?)

--- End quote ---

no, nothing like that is needed for teamviewer - that's the clue about it. all i need is the number and the password - contact me via irc, icq or jabber to sync the access

Does anyone have any idea when the sound issue will be resolved?
I love this game but without the sound or music its just not as entertaining.

it's resolved with 2.4 - we are using the sdl frameworks now and the problems are history with these


--- Quote from: Mattn on September 28, 2010, 08:12:52 am ---it's resolved with 2.4 - we are using the sdl frameworks now and the problems are history with these

--- End quote ---
Cool! Is 2.4 ready for download or do I have to sit tight for a bit longer?

Just a bit ...


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