Technical support > Mac

[FIXED in macports trunk] SDL_mixer + OGG broken? Fix in macports!

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For those of us that aren't developers is there any way around the lack of sound problem?

I love the game and thank everyone for the time they put into making it but without sound or music it spoils the enjoyment of the game.

Any help you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated.

I can't compile something that gives graphics properly. Anything I compile has garbled lighting. Apparently, it even affects x86 machines (or have I misunderstood that? Anyone gotten my builds to run on x86?)

My focus has been more on that then on the sound.

well - on my x86 machine the lighting works ((i)mac mini)

if you would give me a teamviewer (download) session i would like to have a look at it. (maybe join the irc channel to coordinate that?)

Alright, I have TeamViewer up and running, and everything compiled.

What do I need to do to get you on my computer? (It's behind a NAT router; do I have to forward ports?)

Getting back to the original topic: The current version, using library (not frameworks) versions of the sound libraries, does work on a local compile; dmg package not yet tested.


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