Technical support > Mac

Where are the UFO AI save files located?

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sorry meant to say 10.5+ mac OS...

yea for some reason when i had loaded a saved game all the text in all communications is now missing... the heading comes up but the text is missing and instead i see the name of the text file that should be there....

anyways - thought it's related to the above, and want to reinstall the game. however, i can't find the /.ufoai file for my saved game - i don't want to start from scratch!

Go to 'go to folder" in finder and type in `/.ufoai it should take you there. I think there isn't a way to make it better at the moment once it screws like that. I have since given up until the next release.

thanks! i actually did try that and it won't bring up anything except the application... not sure what i'm doing wrong...

i am using 2.2.1 version of the game.

yep, not showing up for me... am i stuck do i need to just redo?

sorry for lots of posts.... new to this game :)

for those having the same issue i found the solution for this here (read down for it):


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