Technical support > Mac

Won't save, "file size mismatch"

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Size mismatch is usually an installer issue.  Is it trying to save to a non-existent directory?  An if you try to reinstall you will need to go to the library and make sure everything is cleaned out.

I just wanna be able to save my games.. please someone help me. feel free to email me at if you wanna help because i always forget that I even posted on this board and I dont come back til its too late.

more info please - ufoconsole.log maybe or detailed error message.

" Error saving game.  Size mistmatch- failed to save the game"  is the only message it gives. The game works fine and everything until i try to save.

there is no such error message reported from the game. either post the "exact" error message and attach the ufoconsole.log or i can't really be of any help for you


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