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cannot play 2.3 on Vista 64 - bit Help anybody


Hellow all!! I am newbies in yous forum? and I am fan X-Com game series. Me very like UFO AI. :) Very good health for developers ;)
fist: I am russia and bad speak English, apologize beforehand.
second: i am download Ufo 2.3 (on yous links), set up them? but i cannot run it >:(
i do doubler click on "exe" file and recive next message "application cannot run? becouse indi.dll not found". Help plese! I want play update version in my monster ;)
Post: Why in yuos official link version 2.2.1 contain the "last stability version"? then 2.3 version just lined.
thenks for help and answers.

which installer did you download exactly?


try to use the one from destructavator - maybe the version you have downloaded is broken. you should poke muton about it.

thanks you for attention!  sorry my impatient :D. It turns out the problem had already been presented to forum and already decided. Like so: copy inti.dll from another set play in the root folder of the game(this just in case,that would not waste time  ;))


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