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Idea. Developers plz. pay attention

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Ain Soph Aur:

--- Quote from: Duke on November 28, 2009, 02:19:14 am ---@criusmac:
You're not alone. Many people have that problem.
Don't know if that's available for you, but you should take some 'communication classes'.
Else you'll have to figure it out yourself by 'trial & error' :(

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... or just stay the way you are and send the others to a class  ;)

The problem isn't so much about people vs. people.

I remember that I used to have quarrels on web forums with other people, and a good reallife friend had quarrels with completely other people. What I am saying here is that people will always have different opinion and discuss them heavily.

What, however, is also valid is that we all have limited time.

kokon made a big mistake - it is ok to critizise aspects, but if you then say you have no time to help fix them, your opinion is USELESS. If you want to see something changed, INVEST YOUR OWN TIME and help the overall project succeed.

A rant alone really does not change much.

Also, about project activity - from my personal observation, Ufo:AI is more active nowadays than perhaps 3 years ago.

I know that guys like BTAxis are still around, just not so active on the forum anymore.

All I am saying is that kokon really made a big mistake in communication. You can't just enter a community and try to disrupt it with your opinion without in ANY WAY trying to help it.

I myself try to comment on things patiently, and if they dont happen the way I would like them I don't really mind much, really. As long as the game is fun, the direction is good!

--- Quote ---... or just stay the way you are and send the others to a class
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Yes but... most open source games are a "do-ocracy", meaning that the people who invest more of their time, and help make a project grow, get to decide more than others. That is just natural, really.

kokon came, critisized in general, said he had no time, and went away again? That doesn't help anyone, really. :>

The other remark ... about recreating "old feelings" ... well, I do understand that. I loved UFO I II and apocalypse....
But you can't just "snip" your fingers and have these work magically in the year 2009 just like that. It is hard to grow a project. Perhaps kokon didn't help out in an open source game project yet, then his opinion would be different and much more patient too.

Not trying to attack kokon here, really. My opinion is just one more opinion. But if he gets annoyed at it ... well, you have to cope with complaints at your person, and either handle them patiently, or impatiently. ;-)


--- Quote from: Ain Soph Aur on November 28, 2009, 10:44:51 pm ---... or just stay the way you are and send the others to a class  ;)

--- End quote ---
You usually can't send the 'other guys' to classes. Unfortunately:(

My point was that if you feel that *you* have a problem with communication, you can *learn* it (at least improve).
If you master the art of communication, you can get almost everything from 'them', just like a yedi knight ;)

Many of the bad things (in this project, on the internet, in this whole world,...) come from bad communication.
So try to improve, it's really *worth* the effort !

Back from 'the whole world' to the simple things: give me a *precise* bug description and you'll probably get the fix ;)
You see how hard communication can be ?

First, sorry about my english.

I agree with kokon in only one thing, x-com is the best of the UFO series. But ask for changes in an agressive way... is imprudent and stupid.

I'm still downloading UFO:AI... so, I cannot speak properly about this work. By the way, thanks for all this efforts.

Lkzwieder, Bs As, Argentina.


--- Quote from: Destructavator on November 27, 2009, 12:02:12 am ---
Second, the old soldier units are actually going to be replaced, that's already underway, they just aren't ready yet.

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Kind of like the current soldier units...cigars, brush cuts and all.  I like my entertainment to be more entertaining than realistic, but that's just me.  Keep up the good work!!  I really appreciate the open-source community and this project in particular.


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