General > Discussion
Lose Conditions? I lost the game and don't know what I did wrong
Okay, so it was infection rate. The number(s) shown in stats menu are strange. When it closed the campaign the average infection rate was 135. That's a bit more than 70 and can't be a percent value.
Further investigation needed to check if it counts the infection rate correctly but I wanted to report back with the reason. (Btw. there were quite much green spots on your map, so losing was about right imho.)
Tnx for looking it up and reporting back. =)
There are some green spots, of course. But I thought (as these spots are green) that they are not soooo dangerous, especially because they are in almost non- or only sparsely populated areas. The number (6 %) supported that impression. :)
In addition, I expected these areas to change from green to yellow to red to black in time or to expand, but neither happened. So they seemed reasonably harmless to me since there was no "hint of danger".
Perhaps changing the colour of the infected areas would make the danger more obvious to the player. Green just tells me intuitively that there is no real problem that needs to be dealt with urgently. :)
Great game. I'll start a new one. =) This time, not a single greenish spot will appear on my planet.
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