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Thanks Mattn;
I've been considering making my own models and .maps for UFOAI and have been trying to read about the documentation. I want to make maps in Blender and was hoping to Import them, but I not there is only Export .map. Does anyone have a way to import .maps from UFOAI into Blender so I can look at them?
Also why are the textures in the terrain so limited? It seems like a small textured gets repeated over and over again? I suppose thats another limitation?
This looks like Quake 2 engine but with the addition of bump maps; Can UFOAI do bump maps?
Maps into Blender? That's new to me. Maps are created/edited via UFORadiant (customized version of GTKRadiant).
everything that's possible in q2w is also possible in ufo
I mapped for the original Ghost Recon. It used 3DSM and it exported to a .map format. Would this be the same format just because it used the same extension, and could it be read by UFORadiant? If so, that would be big news for me. If it helps I can provide a .map file made for GR that someone can look at.
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