Technical support > Mac

Scrolling issues on a Mac Book pro

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Hi everyone, first post here.

It's not really a bug, I guess, more of an ergonomy issue. I installed UFO:AI on a mac book pro, and I can't scroll down, even when the dock's out of the way. Could somebody please tell me what the issue is, and how I can solve it? Thanks.

The menu bar at the top takes up some room, and so you can't use a resolution that is 1440x900 or anything by 900 because the bottom edge of the window will still be at the bottom of the screen.

scroll down where? can you post a screenshot of your problem?


--- Quote from: Dorzak on October 19, 2009, 06:48:51 am ---The menu bar at the top takes up some room, and so you can't use a resolution that is 1440x900 or anything by 900 because the bottom edge of the window will still be at the bottom of the screen.

--- End quote ---

That was *that* simple? Okay, thanks a lot. I'll try that as soon as I get home.


--- Quote from: Mattn on October 19, 2009, 08:25:06 am ---scroll down where? can you post a screenshot of your problem?

--- End quote ---

Sorry : when I'm on a tactical mission, I can't scroll down by pushing the mouse pointer at the bottom of the screen. It seems it was simply a resolution issue.


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