looks like there's more FPS / 3rd person shooters out there nowadays...
As in, the two mixed together or simply that shooters seem to be overpowering other genres?
If former, I don't think there are many, apart from R6 Vegas and upcoming Deus Ex 3 (or DX: Human Revolution as it's officially).
If latter, [rant]I agree, there doesn't seem to be as much variety as there were in the Good Ol' Days™. I haven't seen a great turn-based strategy/tactic game developed for a long time (apart from SOTS [which is also a grand space 4X] and open-source projects like this) and the good old RTS is also taking damage (late C&C series); grand strategies (Paradox Interactive) are getting a bit more attention but the scope makes them a little hard to play as quickgames. Simulators seem to get either worse directly or by bad corporate choices (Silent Hunter) or completely disappear (flight sims, expecially modern combat ones).[/rant]
If you do know a good game to one(/some) of these, well, at least I haven't heard of any. Every even slightly more niche-like genre seems to be getting sidelined by the bigger companies in the neverending quest for the mystic
Mass Appeal! Which is sad since in the long run it will have the horrible effect of making every game samey, if not practically the same game over and over again.