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Author Topic: Auto-Scrolling wrong when enemy shoot at me (ver26236)  (Read 4729 times)

Offline Viento

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Auto-Scrolling wrong when enemy shoot at me (ver26236)
« on: September 23, 2009, 02:51:12 pm »

In the stable version, it was like that:

An enemy comes into sight during their round. The game scrolls right there, so that I can see where it is. Then it starts shooting and the screen follows the shot right up to the targetted soldier.

In the developing version (ver26236), I often can't see where the alien appears because the screen doesn't focus on their position. The shots are not followed be the "camera" as well, instead I often end up with the camera fixed on a place at the very edge of the map where I can see nothing of the actual battle.

This makes it really hard to fight effectively, even to find out, whether one of my soldiers was hit and who was hit.

Funny thing: Alien reaction fire seems to be traced correctly.

Offline geever

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Re: Auto-Scrolling wrong when enemy shoot at me (ver26236)
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 02:56:44 pm »
In the developing version (ver26236), I often can't see where the alien appears because the screen doesn't focus on their position. The shots are not followed be the "camera" as well, instead I often end up with the camera fixed on a place at the very edge of the map where I can see nothing of the actual battle.

This makes it really hard to fight effectively, even to find out, whether one of my soldiers was hit and who was hit.

Funny thing: Alien reaction fire seems to be traced correctly.

Thank you for reporting. However it's known for everyone..


Offline rynait

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Re: Auto-Scrolling wrong when enemy shoot at me (ver26236)
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2009, 09:14:32 pm »

would like to add something to what Viento have noticed. Once the shot (alien fire) goes off screen, camera view stays there until 'my turn'.

For example  Alien shoot hits object like house or wall.  camera scrolls to the 'hit-object. and continue on with alien or new shot(s).  When shot goes off the map into the blackness...  will not "continue" the scrolling with alien or new shots.

I utilized a workaround.  I zoom the whole map out (widest possible view),  go to options, game uncheck center unit. What this will happens, camera will not move or auto scroll and with careful (albeit very hard!!!) observation you could notice where shots are coming from and if aliens are hidden or visible will "appear-disappear" (as in moving across the soldier's view). When it becomes my turn... I go to options and check center unit  and presto enables me to track visible aliens and my soldiers.   yes This is time consuming. 

wondered whether to take advantage of this workaound with keypress turning on-off the center unit option.


Offline Halleth

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Re: Auto-Scrolling wrong when enemy shoot at me (ver26236)
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2009, 10:25:28 pm »
I have the same problem and I find it very annoying.

2 weeks ago I played ver. 2.2 and the difference is huge. Old version allows to precisely "see" what aliens do. For example if alien just leaves the building and hides behind corner - you are aware of it. In 2.3 it is very hard to follow alien movements. One can see aliens when they are shooting, but if he is only walking - no way. There is also another problem. In ver 2.2: if A is shooting to B, camera is at first focused on shooter, then on the target and afterwards you can see if shot missed or not; in ver 2.3 bullets are much faster than camera so you don't see anything.

Why did you change the visualisation scheme? Were there any problems with engine? Can you switch back to the old one?

PS. Game is great :) I love it!

Offline geever

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Re: Auto-Scrolling wrong when enemy shoot at me (ver26236)
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2009, 11:27:44 pm »
Why did you change the visualisation scheme? Were there any problems with engine? Can you switch back to the old one?

We didn't change anything about that, it's just broken AFAIK. Remember, 2.3 is not yet released. We're still hunting bugs.



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Re: Auto-Scrolling wrong when enemy shoot at me (ver26236)
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2009, 11:29:06 am »
I have the same problem. (was directed here by user Halleth)

Offline Beric

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Re: Auto-Scrolling wrong when enemy shoot at me (ver26236)
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2009, 08:57:13 am »
Yup, I've been observing this as well. Hopefully it'll get fixed.