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Author Topic: [2.2.1 -> 2.3 Planned future-porting] Pandora X mod.  (Read 5547 times)


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[2.2.1 -> 2.3 Planned future-porting] Pandora X mod.
« on: August 10, 2009, 02:30:28 am »
UFO:AI - Pandora X

Pandora X aims at making the UFO:AI experience much longer, still much "faster".
By a complete rebalance on the game, a huge amount of new equipments to both PHALANX and ALIEN, and loads of more researches, i plan to make an alternative to the current campaing.


Features: (Status)
*Re-balanced weapons stats for a more realistic result.
WIP (~20%)

*Re-balanced research times. (authopsys dont take a week, even onto the theory of bombtraped alien bodyes...its simply ridiculous)
(0%) - Not yet being worked.

*Re-balanced EXP system. Soldiers shall improve theyr skills faster.
WIP (~5%)

*Lots of new Weapons, Armors, Research, Vehicles and, why not, Aliens.
WIP (~5%)
15 - Weapons (3 untextured - ~15%)
5 - Armors (~0%)
30 - Researches (2 texts - ~5%)
5-10 - Vehicles (~0%)
5-10 - Aliens (~0%)

*Lots of new maps and missions.
(0%) - Not yet being worked.

*Maybe some new mission-types.
(0%) - Still researching methods to do it.

*A campaing that last for at last double of the time of the current one, while still the equipment-unlock rate is equal or even slightly higher.
(0%) - Not yet being worked.

*More starting equipment.
WIP (~20%)

*More Online-Play enjoyment. The great amound of changes shall also result in an much more competitive and enjoyed MP and COOP play.
(0%) - Not yet being worked, will be done when new weapons and equipment are finished.


This mod is still in the earlyest stages and will not have any installer/zip available for the moment.
Its first releace is planned to be a test-out on the ne equipment and balance, will be releaced when a good number of the new equipment are finished and implemented and the re-balance is done.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2009, 03:02:01 pm by Digin_BR »

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Re: [2.2.1 -> 2.3 Planned porting] Pandora X mod.
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009, 11:19:21 am »
Can I ask what is this?

There isn't any attachments or links to the mod/patch. Seems to be a hype against the official design...


Offline misiek

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Re: [2.2.1 -> 2.3 Planned future-porting] Pandora X mod.
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2009, 06:00:27 pm »
Hmmm.... what's happened to Digin_BR account?

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Re: [2.2.1 -> 2.3 Planned future-porting] Pandora X mod.
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2009, 08:44:22 pm »
Hmmm.... what's happened to Digin_BR account?

I was wondering that myself - I don't know if he lost interest, if one of the admins accidentally hit a wrong button and killed his account unintentionally, or if he did such a thing himself.  I also don't recall seeing him post a goodbye message or anything.

...Or a glitch in the forum software?

Digin_BR, if you're reading this thread and are having difficulties, please email myself or one of the other admins here and we'll do what we can to recover your account.

If you've decided to leave on your own and don't want to bother to re-create an account to say goodbye, you can also email me a message with anything you would like to say to the community here and I'll copy and paste it here.

Edit: To email me, use the link under my profile picture, or email one of the other admins...