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Author Topic: sound stops working, and when exiting game freezes - R26806  (Read 1945 times)


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sound stops working, and when exiting game freezes - R26806
« on: October 28, 2009, 12:40:19 pm »

I've noticed curious problem, which is present at already for some time.
Sometimes when playing, the sound stops working in the game. I haven't figured out when or why it happens.
But when the sound stops working, there is another issue binded to it - when I try to quit the game (playing fullscreen) by going back to desktop, when I press the EXIT from the menu, the game-screen freezes.
After this freeze I'm forced to restart my X server in the linux with CTRL+ALT+Backspace.
But last time when I noticed that sound is gone, I switched from the fullscreen back to the window mode, and I was able to quit the game by pressing the CTRL+C in the console.

It's strange, and I dunno why it happens.

I'm attaching the ufoconsole.log file, perhaps you'll be able to find more.