Development > Artwork

Alternative GUI layout


It's just a layout
How about something like that? It's more optimised, IMHO


--- Quote from: Imposeren on September 12, 2009, 10:21:45 pm ---It's just a layout
How about something like that? It's more optimised, IMHO

--- End quote ---

Most of it(*) can be done via UI scripts and some graphics. Would you like to try it? It's quite easy.

You can check:
* menuscript docs
* original hud menuscript

(*) grenade stuff would need coding (and not sure if you wanna change how reservations handled on ui..)

Edit: Note that we will have more than 8 soldiers later, so a new UI should not restrict soldier number.
Edit2: Winter doesn't like it so it can only be a user mod.



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