Technical support > Mac

Problem with making a Mac universal binary

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nope - as it would build another dmg for radiant

Oh, so it's not one DMG with both programs, it's two separate DMG's.

Got it to build as i386, but it didn't include the languages.

No language options when looking at options.

the problem here is in main.cpp:443

--- Code: ---  bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "i18n");

--- End code ---

it's not searching the mo files at the correct location. Can you upload the dmg somewhere?

maybe one can work around it by providing a suitable PKGDATADIR (via ./configure --datadir=/path/to/dmg) - i'm just not sure which path would be the correct one. how are other packages handling this that are providing gettext support?


--- Quote from: Mattn on September 19, 2009, 08:43:00 am ---

maybe one can work around it by providing a suitable PKGDATADIR (via ./configure --datadir=/path/to/dmg) - i'm just not sure which path would be the correct one. how are other packages handling this that are providing gettext support?

--- End quote ---

I worked around it by
"Show Package Contents" on the on the one with the broken Campaign start you uploaded with the UFO Radiant.   

Copied the language files within there into the app from the DMG I made on my wife's computer.

Couldn't do it within the DMG, had to do it after copying the app out of the DMG.

Throwing the zip file with languages up somewhere and the i386 DMG I made.  Will let you know when it is uploaded.


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