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Author Topic: Thanks to all...  (Read 3676 times)

Offline Hostilian

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Thanks to all...
« on: September 02, 2009, 11:42:34 pm »
Thanks for all the hard work on this - to everyone involved.

I discovered this project a few days ago and the UFO:EU memories came flooding back.
UFO:EU was actually one of the reasons I bought a PC (as a poor student)..  :)

Yeah, there are quite a few bugs to iron out (currently using 2.3 R25862) and the crashes in the middle of missions are a right pain; but I can live with it for now..

One query.. The sound seems to be quite erratic compared to 2.21 and movement around the map quite jerky. Is that normal for 2.3?

Many thanks once again..  :D


Offline Duke

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Re: Thanks to all...
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2009, 01:21:45 pm »
Welcome to UFO:AI :)

The sound code is currently undergoing some heavy changes.

Could you please be a bit more specific about the 'jerky movement' ?

Offline Mattn

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Re: Thanks to all...
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2009, 01:57:39 pm »
depends on your gfx card - maybe you have to deactivate shaders.

Offline Klecks

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Re: Thanks to all...
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 09:42:17 am »
I`m new in this forum and I played all UFO (XCOM) games.

And i'm very impressed about your fantastic work. I know it's a very great project with many ideas and a lot of work to implement all in one game. It's like an experiment to bring the best features of all the UFO parts in one game.

Thanks to a great team  ;D

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Re: Thanks to all
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2009, 06:02:58 pm »
Thanks to the Czars and all those involved. It was an awesome event. Looking forward to next year.

No offense if I'm wrong, but would you care to prove you're not a spam-bot?  Your profile details link to a questionable website...

Offline geever

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Re: Thanks to all
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2009, 06:18:01 pm »
No offense if I'm wrong, but would you care to prove you're not a spam-bot?  Your profile details link to a questionable website...

Was that questionable? I think that was obvious - spambot. ;)
