Technical support > Mac

UFORadiant dmg

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please try the dmg from here:

keep in mind that this needs testing and might not even work at all.

feedback is welcome.

Here is my test report.

OS: Mac OSX 10.6.1
Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

  It successfully launched. However, after I proceeded to Campaign mode, even though side bar on the right was visible and working for user interaction, main view was blank. Perhaps, this is where user chooses game difficulty, but I can't see, I can't choose.
Also, when I clicked the blank main view, the program stopped to respond.

  UFORadiant failed to launch. System dialog popped up, it says "You can't open the application UFORadiant because it may be damaged or incomplete."
I tried directly instead, but it also failed.
Here is the log.

--- Quote ---Started logging to <my_home_dir>/.ufoai/radiant/radiant.log
Today is: Mon Sep 14 19:42:53 2009

This is UFORadiant '1.5.0' compiled Sep 13 2009
UFORadiant based on GtkRadiant 1.5 branch
runtime error: XML parser failed on '<my_home_dir>/Desktop/uforadiant-1_5-macosx-i386/'

No such file or directory

Stacktrace is not implemented on this plattform
**-Message: Closing log file at Mon Sep 14 19:55:08 2009

--- End quote ---

UFORadiant must be looking at a wrong place for game resources.


I got the same error.   Dug around in the package file for the binary and tried launching that.  Terminal gives these errors depending on which uforadiant in the package I click on.    Essentially it is trying to dynamically link to some of the libraries that aren't on my system.

From the one located in the radiant subdirectory of the apps .pkg:

--- Quote ---Last login: Mon Sep 14 21:21:22 on ttys000
/Applications/ ; exit;
<machine name removed>~ dorzak$ /Applications/ ; exit;
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libgtkglext-x11-1.0.0.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap

--- End quote ---

From the one in contents/Mac OS X/ get this a pop up from X11 (see attached file) and this in terminal:

--- Quote ---Last login: Mon Sep 14 21:25:36 on ttys000
/Applications/ ; exit;
<machine name removed>:~ dorzak$ /Applications/ ; exit;
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display "/tmp/launch-SAbwfe/:0".
Started logging to /Users/dorzak/.ufoai/radiant/radiant.log
Today is: Mon Sep 14 21:26:46 2009

This is UFORadiant '1.5.0' compiled Sep 13 2009
UFORadiant based on GtkRadiant 1.5 branch
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/Users/dorzak/games/"
runtime error: XML parser failed on '/Users/dorzak/games/'

No such file or directory

Stacktrace is not implemented on this plattform

(uforadiant:3079): Pango-CRITICAL **: No modules found:
No builtin or dynamically loaded modules were found.
PangoFc will not work correctly.
This probably means there was an error in the creation of:
You should create this file by running:
  pango-querymodules > '/opt/local/etc/pango/pango.modules'
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file

(uforadiant:3079): Pango-WARNING **: failed to choose a font, expect ugly output. engine-type='PangoRenderFc', script='latin'

(uforadiant:3079): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/opt/local/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders': No such file or directory

(uforadiant:3079): Pango-WARNING **: failed to choose a font, expect ugly output. engine-type='PangoRenderFc', script='common'
**-Message: Closing log file at Mon Sep 14 21:27:44 2009


[Process completed]

--- End quote ---

With UFOAI I get the same thing - when starting a campaign can't choose the options.   I even deleted my ~/.ufoai directory to make sure I didn't have a conflicting configuration or cache in there.

Attached is a screenshot.   I tried changing video settings and using full screen as well.  When launching from the ufo binary get spam about unable to find a bunch of items and techs.

--- Quote ---CL_LanguageInit: language settings are stored in configuration: en
...using language: en_US.UTF-8
SDL_ttf version 2.0.9 - we need at least 2.0.7
...registering 10 fonts
130 static models loaded
====== UFO Initialized ======

Switch grab input off
Change gametype to 'Campaign mode'

--- save subsystem initialization --
added base subsystem
added campaign subsystem
added hospital subsystem
added market subsystem
added research subsystem
added employee subsystem
added aliencont subsystem
added aircraft subsystem
added installation subsystem
added ufostores subsystem
added production subsystem
added messagesystem subsystem
added stats subsystem
added nations subsystem
added transfer subsystem
added alien base subsystem
added xvirate subsystem
added messageoptions subsystem
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_propulsion" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_astrogation" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_detection" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_propulsion" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_astrogation" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_detection" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_weapon_particle_beam" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_propulsion" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_astrogation" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_detection" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_weapon_particle_beam" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_propulsion" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_astrogation" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_detection" not found.
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_weapon_particle_beam" not found.
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_ripper' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_gunboat' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_scout' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_fighter' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_supply' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_carrier' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_bomber' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_corrupter' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_harvester' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_scout' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_fighter' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_supply' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_carrier' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_bomber' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_corrupter' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_gunboat' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_ripper' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_harvester' not found (0).
Aircraft 'craft_ufo_mothership' not found (0).
INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_astrogation" not found.
ERROR: RS_AssignTechLinks: Could not get item definition for 'craft_alien_astrogation'
0   ufo                                 0x00154f67 Sys_Backtrace + 31
1   ufo                                 0x000f5f39 Com_Error + 342
2   ufo                                 0x000932e0 RS_AssignTechLinks + 254
3   ufo                                 0x0009339b RS_RequiredLinksAssign + 76
4   ufo                                 0x000648e5 CL_ReadSinglePlayerData + 131
5   ufo                                 0x00012659 GAME_CP_InitStartup + 476
6   ufo                                 0x00010286 GAME_SetMode + 297
7   ufo                                 0x000107b7 GAME_SetMode_f + 108
8   ufo                                 0x000e92a2 Cmd_ExecuteString + 219
9   ufo                                 0x000e7ed9 Cbuf_Execute + 289
10  ufo                                 0x0002f68a CL_SendCommand + 24
11  ufo                                 0x0002fd14 CL_Frame + 309
12  ufo                                 0x000f7c31 tick_timer + 642
13  ufo                                 0x000f811d Qcommon_Frame + 140
14  ufo                                 0x00155416 main + 307
15  ufo                                 0x00002806 start + 54
Unknown command "music_change" - wasn't sent to server

--- End quote ---


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