Technical support > Mac

UFORadiant dmg

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i could need some testers of UFORadiant. I managed to compile and run uforadiant on my mac mini and am trying now to integrate it into the dmg. If you build your dmg and install it, please let me know whether it works for you.

Maybe it would be better to create a standalone dmg for it - we'll see.


--- Quote from: Mattn on August 27, 2009, 09:10:13 pm ---i could need some testers of UFORadiant. I managed to compile and run uforadiant on my mac mini and am trying now to integrate it into the dmg. If you build your dmg and install it, please let me know whether it works for you.

Maybe it would be better to create a standalone dmg for it - we'll see.

--- End quote ---

I would be interested.  Give me something to do related to the game.

I am a bit frustrated currently.  After a taste for 2.3 and running into the stairs bug, I don't really want to go back to 2.2.x.      However, when I try and build 2.3 I am running into errors, and I am not a coder.

which errors - post them here and i will try to fix them.


--- Quote from: Mattn on August 30, 2009, 07:57:31 am ---which errors - post them here and i will try to fix them.

--- End quote ---

When I can convince my wife that her machine needs to be given up for quote, "that stupid game" for a while again, I will do so.

The error was something like:

../../../../uforadiant doesn't exist
Exited Error 1

Reproduced with "make TARGET_CPU=universal" and "make bundle TARGET_CPU=universal"

you have to run ./configure --enable-universal

remove the uforadiant option (i've updated the wiki already)

after that you should have an uforadiant binary, too - so running make macinstaller should work, too


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