General > Discussion
Why is the "saved game during combat" thread locked?
--- Quote from: Tekky on August 29, 2009, 01:16:25 am ---Blah blah blah BLAH . . . .
--- End quote ---
Surrealistik, I thought we told you to get out and don't come back.
--- Quote from: Tekky on August 28, 2009, 08:47:31 pm ---I can understand the second specified argument, namely that battlescape saving is not implemented for technical reasons ("coding nightmare"). However, I am unable to understand the first specified argument, namely that it is disallowed for design reasons. What would be wrong with the option of disallowing battlescape saving in the difficulty settings at the start of the game? This would satisfy everyone, because it would allow everyone to play the way they want to play.
I respect the developers' decision to not implement this feature for technical reasons. However, what I really can't understand is the fact that this thread in which this topic is being discussed has been locked, thereby preventing further discussion on this topic. Since this is a controversial topic and it will certainly remain controversial in the foreseeable future, it seems appropriate to me to allow this discussion to continue. Even if the developers no longer wish to take part in this discussion, such a discussion might inspire someone else to make an unofficial patch.
For the above reasons, I request that the previous thread be unlocked. Surely, it cannot be in the interest of anyone to censor the UFO:AI community.
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well they work on that game and is their decision if for someone is too hard to play,should just play sumfin other.
about locked topic,devs said many times so that discuccion is useless so they already decided so why ppl still trying ? want more post on ur accounts lol? thing was said and as for me locking is understadable all got an patience limit .
I think the main problem here is the layout of the UFO:AI forum.
Let's look for example at the OpenTTD project, which has very similar goals as UFO:AI, except that it is based on the game Transport Tycoon instead of XCOM. OpenTTD offers a sub-forum for suggestions, where anyone can write their ideas to improve the game and these ideas are then discussed. Of these ideas, only about 5% ever get implemented as a patch by an unofficial developer and probably less than 1% ever make it into the official SVN repository. Despite these very low chances of implementation, the OpenTTD suggestions forum is still a very pleasant place to exchange ideas with other players.
As a veteran user of this OpenTTD forum and its suggestions sub-forum, it is very hard for me to understand the policy of the UFO:AI forum in which threads with ideas that the developers don't agree with are locked and not to be further discussed by the players. Such a policy would be unimaginable on the OpenTTD suggestion forum, as this would cause 99% of all threads to be locked.
In OpenTTD, many important developments originated as ideas in the suggestion forum, which were then discussed. This discussion then inspired people to have additional, more refined ideas, which in turn inspired people to make unofficial patches that implement some of these ideas. These patches then inspired further ideas and patches, which eventually inspired official developers to include some of these patches in the official SVN repository or to make their own patches. All this inspiring and productive exchange of ideas would never have happened if the threads containing all the initial unrefined ideas had been locked.
It is not my intention to push the official developers to change their opinion on battlescape saves, especially since they have presented good reasons not to implement it. I also have no intention to write such a patch myself, at least not before the next stable version is released. My intention is rather to convince the forum moderators to change their policy regarding the suppression of ideas by locking threads, in order to allow a similar exchange of ideas as on the OpenTTD forums, as I have described above.
I fully understand that most developers don't want to constantly read new ideas regarding topics that they have already dismissed. Therefore, why not make an additional sub-forum for suggestions, as has been done on the OpenTTD forums? Wouldn't that be best for everyone?
After having been disappointed by Project Xenocide, I have come to the conclusion that UFO:AI is the most promising game based on XCOM. As a fan of the XCOM series, I have great interest in taking part in the UFO:AI community, as I have previously done with the OpenTTD project. So far, the only thing preventing me from actively taking part in the community are the reasons stated above, as I do not wish to take part in a community in which ideas cannot be exchanged freely.
make a suggestion of a feature, make a wish, ok
i think the least of all suggestions will be declined in the beginning.
so all and everyone can discuss in how to do this and if yes or no
but this save-wish is one, that will not ever be in the main-game
every other change or improvmenet or addition can be discussed with all pros and cons so that there is a solution at the end of the long discussion with which everyone can live with
only because of this "this will never be in the main game" someone should create a thread in the user-mod forum so anyone who wants this feature can discuss there who to do this.
as you mentioned, this would be an unofficial patch than, a mod
it's nothing else as in openttd, other than the fact that you have got the decision of never getting this inside the main game and so should continue the discussion in another forum
the orignial thread wouldn't have been locked if the discussion in the official discussion thread would have stopped and continued in the user-mod-forum
so continue any discussion here of what to do and what not to do is just a waste in time ;)
(hopefully it's still understandable? ??? )
Tekky, I'm not even sure what you're arguing for anymore - We've already answered your questions over and over again, yet you keep pushing and shoving the same requests for something that will *not* happen, simply re-phrased over and over again. You've gotten your answers, we've explained our reasons, and if you don't like our answers or reasons, then simply put, tough shit. If you disagree, then so be it, you're entitled to your own perspective but that doesn't mean you're going to win or that you're even right.
As stated - AGAIN - if you want a save-in-combat feature or discussion about it, you can discuss it in the modding section, as a mod and not for the official release. That is the ONLY way, period, the end.
There isn't anything you can do - no combination of words after words you can continue to spew out that will change that, you're not going to win anything else, you won't see the whole development team suddenly give up and say "okay, you win and we'll do everything you're way, re-vamping everything how you want it..." Trust me, it will NOT happen, now matter how many times you re-phrase your statements.
Further, by continuing to shove this down our throats you're proving to be quite a pain, and are becoming quite irritating. I'd advise you not to continue this, and unless you have anything actually NEW to say you may find this thread locked as well, for good reason.
If you want to join our community, fine, but contribute - Don't come here fighting us every step of the way.
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