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Production time or cost normalization

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--- Quote from: geever on September 13, 2009, 01:59:02 pm ---Noooooo! why the hell you wanna overcomplicate everything??


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I agree - unless anyone making such a proposal is willing to code it themselves, of course.  If not, don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen a number of years down the road for when the game is actually complete and then coders can add extra stuff and polish the game a bit.

So there will not be ANY trade of manufactured items?

Actually, I prefer the idea of collecting stuff to sell from the aliens' cold dead hands instead of "producing cash".

This will create motivation to do those crash recovery missions, even if the countries are already happy.


--- Quote from: Imposeren on September 13, 2009, 03:00:11 pm ---So there will not be ANY trade of manufactured items?

--- End quote ---

You can trade them, but you will always make a loss. That point is set in stone.



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