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checksum for the map '+ufocrash': 1995688046ufo script checksum 1165956792Not enough spawn points for team 0Created AI player (team 0)Created AI player (team 7)-------------------------------------Connecting to localhost...load material file: 'materials/ufocrash.mat'music change to space (from van_geoscape)Starting the game...__8472 has joined team 0(player 0) It's team 1's round__8472 has taken control over team change to ufo2 (from space)Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!********************ERROR: Actor on team 7 is still moving (2 steps left)********************Shutdown server: Server crashed.==== ShutdownGame ====./ufo(Sys_Backtrace+0x1f)[0x8192f52]./ufo(Com_Error+0xdf)[0x8140032]./ufo(CL_ActorDoMove+0xf0)[0x809ca4e]./ufo[0x809ae7c]./ufo(Qcommon_Frame+0x9a)[0x8141d03]./ufo(main+0x66)[0x8191cb5]/lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb78d5775]./ufo[0x806a141]music change to van_geoscape (from ufo2)Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode'Cvar 'mn_uprequirement' wasn't foundCvar 'mn_upmetadata' wasn't foundmusic change to van_theme (from van_geoscape)
Do we really need a hundred topics about "Actor is still moving" bug?Doubt.-geever