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Geoscape panning? (Why is earth centered on the screen?)

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I have a question regarding Geoscape "ergonomy". Apologies if this is an FAQ, I'm a noob, I haven't studied possible config tweaks, and a quick search in the UFO AI forum hasn't revealed any discussion on the topic...

Note that in the Geoscape view, the Earth seems to be strictly centered on the screen (main window). At the same time, you have the Geoscape menu on the right. Regardless of whether your screen is 4:3 or widescreen, at optimum zoom the globe is partly hidden/overlapped by the menu. At the same time, you have a stripe of unused space (cosmic void, literally) on the left of your screen. Is there some way to pan the Earth to the left in the Geoscape view, so that you can have optimum zoom on the globe *and* the globe completely unobscured by the menu?
Either rotate the camera/viewport in the 3D space to the right, or make the 3D viewport start on the edge of the menu, so that you can still have the Earth centered in the 3D viewport, if there are technical reasons for that... (so that zooming in on the Earth surface doesn't happen "sideways" for instance).

Otherwise, thanks a lot for re-implementing the classic UFO game :-) The spirit of the game is clearly there, just keep fixing the bugs :-) I've compiled from SVN twice in the last three months or so on Fedora 10 64bit on an all-Intel notebook machine, and I discovered some bugs/features on both occasions, with some battlescape bugs ultimately preventing completion of even the first ufo crash site session - but I never had the time to report back soon enough after the download... (Family getting in the way - I have a kid that I prefer to pay attention to :-) I'll find the time to download again, get to the first crash site and report any remaining bugs, I promise :-)

the panning issue is "fixed" in 2.3-dev - so i suppose you are not talking about trunk here?

Thanks for your response in the first place :-) I guess I've noticed some past bugs in geoscape "panning" meaning "orbiting" (globe rotation), or its GUI controls. So just to make sure, note that I'm talking about a different thing: efficient use of display screen space.
That said, my .svn/entries contains the following information:



I guess this *is* 2.3-dev, except almost 2 months ago... so indeed I may be missing something :-) I'm going to do a "svn up" right away and compile the latest version, including all the maps... and see if something has changed in the meantime.

BTW, I couldn't find an appropriate "make target" to remove all the stale .bsp files. I understand that it is appropriate to recompile all the maps for a new version of the ufoai code, although the source XML file of the map hasn't changed. So I ended up doing just
 rm -f `find . -name "*.bsp" -print`
... and "make maps". I hope this is allright...

you should run make clean-maps before running make maps if your last update is two months ago.

> make clean-maps
good, that's what I was missing :-) Anyway it seems to have the same effect as my low-level command: all the .bsp files are gone... yes, it's actually the same command, finally I found it in build/

The most important point though: in SVN revision 25602, the position of the Earth in the geoscape view is exactly what I wanted :-) Thanks a lot, now it's perfect :-) I recalled this "issue" from two months ago, and got misguided by a screenshot on the homepage yesterday to believe that the issue is still there :-)

Hmm... and the battlescape still crashes, but again with a different message. (I shall report someplace else, I know)


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