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Author Topic: Odie: What is Nakido?  (Read 13434 times)


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Odie: What is Nakido?
« on: August 26, 2009, 10:56:07 am »
I opted to post this question here as others might have the same question too.

What is Nakido? If I download and install it to download Odie's compilations, will it run in the background constantly even though I will have DLd the UFO files a day from now? Is it safe?

Thanks Odie (or anyone else who can supply helpful info)!

Ain Soph Aur

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Re: Odie: What is Nakido?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2009, 05:49:55 pm »
It runs in the background. if you dont want it constantly on your machine, install it into (when installing in sandboxie, you will get a few warnings along the way but it works)

its save, no viruses or something  :)


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Re: Odie: What is Nakido?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2009, 01:05:41 pm »
Whoa! Nice freeware! Thanks! I'll give this one a try this weekend.


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Re: Odie: What is Nakido?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2009, 04:47:27 am »
I opted to post this question here as others might have the same question too.

What is Nakido? If I download and install it to download Odie's compilations, will it run in the background constantly even though I will have DLd the UFO files a day from now? Is it safe?

Thanks Odie (or anyone else who can supply helpful info)!

Hi Ildamos,

I believed that i have addressed this before le. Lol.
(Previous Discussions)

But for the benefit, i forum-digged and here it is again. :D

I believe u r one of those trying to download the nakido dev 2.3 built from my directory.

Yes, alot of ppl are missing a VERY impt part of nakido's upload / download procedure - that is to install the "NAKIDO FLAG".

This flag is safe (a simple TSR program), and it ensures uploading / downloading resume-function works.

Those who experiences a slow rate usually do not have this flag, and hence complaining an 'invalid' complain. Yupz. They are using http transfer (which results in the uber slow speed, cos most likely, they are using IE6/7.... yes, Idiotic Experience x 6 or 7 times (cos IE sux)).

Hence, to ensure ur download is alright, get the nakido flag in first.

If u r like me, using some strange and custom proxies (like proxomitron or some other custom proxies), post a msg here. I am sure i can somehow help u thru. Else, we have plentiful nice ppl here on forum who can offer insights. :D

Also on why i chose nakido and stuff:

Oh yes,

Pls do not ask me why i must use nakido again pls. I have answered this umpteen times...... and for the last time:

1) Its good. No problem for me.
2) File limits - nakido dont give me limits much (UFOAI are typically abt 500+++ to 600MB each installer).
3) Bandwidth limit - Nakido do not limit me.
4) Its fast for me (and my friends.) Proven by each downloads stats for the installers.
5) I can upload and preknow the links (nakido provides me with the download links immediately BEFORE the completion of the uploads).
6) Nakido do not disconnect me for some stupid reasons (like filefront - timeout specifically).
7) And it allows me to continue uploading should my dubid XP machine crash or requires me to restart....
8) I do not host a private server......

Plus, I like it. Thats impt. Yupz.

Hope this answers some of our queries? :D

Of course, if anyone has a file server for free for me to upload and host, it would be good. :D
Or if u find another host like nakido, which allows proper file categorisation and do not have time / space limits, can let me know. :D

FYI, I have hosted some 75+ files remaining (of which about 50+ files i have deleted earlier) in nakido, some hmmm, abt 40GB of data. lol. (Destructavator, if u r reading this, nakido hates me if they finds out abt this, just as much as your host hates u back then. Lol.) :P


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Re: Odie: What is Nakido?
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2009, 02:44:45 pm »
Thanks for painstakingly digging up previous discussions about this topic Odie.

PCWorld (PCMag? Not sure) gave a review of this though so I suppose this is safe.

@Ain: Thanks for the Sandboxie heads-up!