1. If I do what I described above, the map loads, but after just scrolling around a bit I get a CTD !
Could you plz try the same and confirm/disconfirm ?
2. I managed to get that house/yard on my screen (by using the retry button) and can say that it's a map issue.
The opening in the fence is neither tall enough nor wide enough to get through. See screenshot.
1. what is it CTD you are talking about?
2. well, I've tried to see the doorway in the mission as you showed in your screenshot, and about the tallness you're right, but it's really small space missing to pass. and about that wideness, I dunno, maybe.
so when it's a map issue, I think we'd to wait for a fix.
anyway, I dunno if it would be some global fix or what, because as I've said previously, I've seen it many times everywhere this building appears.
now when trying to see it the same way as you showed at your screenshot, the game crashed for several times to the desktop with:
checksum for the map '+ufocrash': 1995688046
ufo script checksum 921375947
Not enough spawn points for team 0
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/ufocrash.mat'
music change to space (from alBasrahM)
Starting the game...
__8472 has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
__8472 has taken control over team 1.
music change to turinItalyM (from space)
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
ERROR: Actor on team 7 is still moving (4 steps left)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
Error: Received signal 11.