Technical support > Feature Requests

Proposal for 2.4 TODOs (Unofficial For Now)

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The remainder of this thread has been splitted to the "Newbie coders forum "- thread.

I have an idea for the HUD design, not my idea. The HUD of the UFO original was nicely clear and More space.

This is the difference: All orders as small boxes directly about one another are arranged. Nice in colour separated.

One could implement this also (at least alternatively) in the UFO AI.



What about the copyright ?

Ain Soph Aur:

--- Quote from: Duke on March 02, 2010, 01:19:24 am ---What about the copyright ?

--- End quote ---

i dont really know a lot about copyright but i think that no one cares about this interface-design. also, the half interface in UFOAI is copied already - also the base-view looks VERY suspicious :D

maybe i just want to see this design in UFOAI  ;D

I dont think theres any copyright or patent for "put butons side to side with an icon on it", or "use color for graphical representations".
Well, if there is, someone is about to sue the world.


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