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Proposal for 2.4 TODOs (Unofficial For Now)

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Dear Creator, Dev Team, Helpers, Fanatics and Fans of UFOAI,

This is a continuation of a short conversation b/w Destructavator and me earlier in this Earlier Thread

Can I propose that this thread be to help us consolidate ALREADY AGREED UPON IDEAS to be put into TODO for 2.4-Development before officially starting the 2.4 TODO? :D

I am recommending that this be separated into a diff topic / sticky it, pls. :D
Thanks Destructavator for Sticking this. :D

Please take note that this is not the official TODO.

The official TODOs are still in the following links here.

Official TODO for UFOAI Homepage
The general open / WIP / done TODO
TODO for UFORadiant Specifics
The current Development Branch - 2.3

1) Create a TODO wiki Page for 2.4. (Pending - TBC once 2.3-stable has been rolled out)

2) Include contents including:

* A Bigger Base Concept as discussed.
* Destructavator Proposal for More Models for Soldiers and Civis / and their Armors.

* Armors
* Human Head
* More Models Left Undone from Zenerka Discussed
* Mattn's Proposal for Shortened Roadmaps for Future Releases after 2.3 is Rolled Out.
* Recruit More Coders - Mattn's Encouragements for More Coders
* ..
* ..
* ..
* ..
* For Updates..
3) Continue growing the list.

If this sounds good, continue to point me to the different threads where ok and agreed on discussions have been made, and i make the links to update this post. :D

For contributions please:
1) General Topic / Proposal Name
2) Links to which the topic was discussed and agreed on.
3) Main point person.

I will take some time to read and summarise it for us here.

Toodles! (PS: I am not around on weekends, so if u dun see weekend updates, no worries. I'll be back on Monday. I am +8 GMT FYI.)

To Mattn / BTAxis / Winter / Other Key Dev Team Members?:

Feel free to let me know to take out a certain point listed which u do not want. :D
Just state the reasons and i am sure future references can always be 'self-explanatory'. ToodleS!

At some point all the new soldier models, heads, armor types etc. need to be completed for the new animations.

I'm not sure if they'll make it in the game in time for 2.3, or if they'll have to shoot for 2.4.

I'm hoping Mattn will also offer his thoughts on 2.4.

P.S. - I'll sticky this as you asked, for now - although if Mattn wants things organized differently for planning 2.4 I'll comply with his wishes of course.

P.P.S. - Let's not forget that 2.3 is still a ways off at this point, but on the other hand if we can save some things until 2.4 it may help get 2.3 done quicker.

I don't see the point collecting features for 2.4 yet. All these proposals should go into TODO/General.

There are quite some features I would like to implement. I won't do them for 2.3 but not even sure if they (all) will be able to get into 2.4. Short release intervals (suggested) and long feature list conflict. And we can't see that far ahead in future.


Hmmm....   You may be right, geever - I'm waiting to see what Mattn says about exactly how he wants this organized.

By comparison, I've seen roadmaps of other open-source projects where several (two to three) future release "steps" are planned out, with everything else put into a "general" TODO, and others where it is done just one at a time.  Looking at progress of other such projects, I can't seem to find any direct connection between which style of organizational structure they use and how fast they develop.

I will say that I'm against specific release dates - planned versions yes, but not specific dates, I don't think that would speed anything up really.

Yeah, only one "general" TODO-List makes people ask "when will we finally have feature X" over and over again...
Some kind of timeline/roadmap would be nice.

Most useful IMO:
- one list for current WIP, to be finished for the next version
- 1 to 3 list(s) for features of the next release(s)
- the "general" list for proposals, which are already decided to become implented, but not when

This gives a good overview on how the priorities are set. You don't need to ask for anything on the general TODO, because that won't come before all other lists are done ;D


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