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Author Topic: Bugs n buggy things in 2.2.1  (Read 7189 times)


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Bugs n buggy things in 2.2.1
« on: June 08, 2009, 04:41:02 pm »

First of all, thanks for this great game.
Second excuse me because my english isn't the best, so it is possible that my words sound a little strange sometimes and also I can't exclude that some of my hints are double posted. I give my best to check it, but for my it's difficult to read an english forum.

Why I made this post:
I just played the game for the first time and want to notify to you what I noticed. (Maybe what I call a bug is only my fault-I'm not perfect).

Ok, babbled enough...

1. When I installed the game and asked for my prefered language the first time, there where so many options, and I wasn't able to scroll down to the last ones(german in my case).

2. If i transfer a plane to another base it loses all of its equipment! Really lost, not hang behind, not sold.
 The same with the equipment of a soldier, when I assign/reassign him on a plane.

3. On the other side, when I assign a soldier on an interceptor and equip him, the equipment is still shown in base. So (for example) I can equip three soldiers in three interceptors with just one gun!?

4. In the german version it's impossible to see the speed of an ufo, because the german translation for speed is "Geschwindigkeit" and this is so long that the last letters are overlapping the speed.

5. In fight isn't shown how much timeunits does it cost to reload.

6. For Stingrays, Dragons and alien-flightplating there where no research-petitions (able to research, just no petitions).

7. I don't know why but the buy/sell-screen works in real-time. If I click to buy an interceptor (by mistake) and direct click sell(the right arrow), back in the main screen it's told "you've got a new interceptor"...

8. The in-mission-bugs:
a) at the end of "return to underground-metro New York"-mission : seq_avi_1... + seq_avi_2... but no avi to see.
b) "military bunker in the Rockys"-mission: the stairs at the back-side which are the only way to the two middle rooms doesn't allow to go upward!! So if my soldiers gone down they where imprisoned!!!!! And after this mission also the notice: "seq_invasion_sentence1" but no <sequence> to see.
c) "virus-infection"-mission: in the mother-ship I used the 'slant rise' behind the little side-entrance and set my two soldiers on the last field of the rise before the 2nd floor begans. And in the next round they weren't able to move anymore!
d) the "convoy"-mission was buggy itself because of the levels. Means for ex: at the beginning my sniper can not shoot an alien while he could see him at the end of the street, because the last past of the street seems to be in a higher level, and in the level of my soldier the last cars of the convoy are also invisible...

Now two things I'm not sure if i am foolish or are they bugs:
9. I never discovered how to use the infrared-glasses. When I push the 'use head equipment'-button nothing happend!?

10. The same with base-rocket-defense: even if the ufos came in the smallest radar/defense ring there stood nowhere to launch rockets.

And at least two ideas for improvement:
11. I think it would be very helpfull to see the rest-time needed to produce something

12. And also it would be good to have a possibility to see ALL notices (in main screen), because at the beginning of a month there are too much notices so you can not see a notice from two seconds before...

Thanking you in anticipation for your comments

Ps: I use XP, AMD 1500+, Geforce 440 md and played only the german version.


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Re: Bugs n buggy things in 2.2.1
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2009, 06:06:38 pm »
no comments? ??? :o

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Re: Bugs n buggy things in 2.2.1
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2009, 07:00:48 pm »
Let's see

1. When I installed the game and asked for my prefered language the first time, there where so many options, and I wasn't able to scroll down to the last ones(german in my case).

We have replaced that dropdown with a list. It's no more a problem.

2. If i transfer a plane to another base it loses all of its equipment! Really lost, not hang behind, not sold.
 The same with the equipment of a soldier, when I assign/reassign him on a plane.

In the current development version the aircraft take their equipment with them on transfer. You still cannot transfer them with soldiers onboard. Soldier items not lost but remain on the source base.

3. On the other side, when I assign a soldier on an interceptor and equip him, the equipment is still shown in base. So (for example) I can equip three soldiers in three interceptors with just one gun!?

Interceptors can't have soldiers anymore. About the same gun for more soldiers I'm not sure, maybe sideeffect of the current (bad) inventory system.

4. In the german version it's impossible to see the speed of an ufo, because the german translation for speed is "Geschwindigkeit" and this is so long that the last letters are overlapping the speed.

Our menus are almost completely reworked, I hope this is fixed already. :)

5. In fight isn't shown how much timeunits does it cost to reload.
6. For Stingrays, Dragons and alien-flightplating there where no research-petitions (able to research, just no petitions).
7. I don't know why but the buy/sell-screen works in real-time. If I click to buy an interceptor (by mistake) and direct click sell(the right arrow), back in the main screen it's told "you've got a new interceptor"...

Still much todo. :)

8. The in-mission-bugs:
a) at the end of "return to underground-metro New York"-mission : seq_avi_1... + seq_avi_2... but no avi to see.

That's not avi but xvi, and text were not written yet. That sequence will be removed..

b) "military bunker in the Rockys"-mission: the stairs at the back-side which are the only way to the two middle rooms doesn't allow to go upward!! So if my soldiers gone down they where imprisoned!!!!! And after this mission also the notice: "seq_invasion_sentence1" but no <sequence> to see.
ramp, old mapbug?
sequence: Missing text.

c) "virus-infection"-mission: in the mother-ship I used the 'slant rise' behind the little side-entrance and set my two soldiers on the last field of the rise before the 2nd floor begans. And in the next round they weren't able to move anymore!
There was a bug soldier stuck on the ramp but the pathfinding has changed since then. Now we have other problems with it. :)

d) the "convoy"-mission was buggy itself because of the levels. Means for ex: at the beginning my sniper can not shoot an alien while he could see him at the end of the street, because the last past of the street seems to be in a higher level, and in the level of my soldier the last cars of the convoy are also invisible...

line of sight and line of fire aren't the same.

9. I never discovered how to use the infrared-glasses. When I push the 'use head equipment'-button nothing happend!?

Not yet implemented.

10. The same with base-rocket-defense: even if the ufos came in the smallest radar/defense ring there stood nowhere to launch rockets.

Did you equip them? Did you target with them?

And at least two ideas for improvement:
11. I think it would be very helpfull to see the rest-time needed to produce something

Base Summary screen shows the status of the production.

12. And also it would be good to have a possibility to see ALL notices (in main screen), because at the beginning of a month there are too much notices so you can not see a notice from two seconds before...

It is done already. You can open the list and scroll back to the start.



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Re: Bugs n buggy things in 2.2.1
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2009, 08:53:21 pm »
*claps claps* to geever,

Man, u never fail to amaze me with your patience in answering questions in great details too.

Btw, on LOS and LOF, (Line of sight and Line of fire), u might wish to know that what u see may not necessarily equate to what you can shoot, hence the difference.

A lil example should solve this confusion.

Eg, You are manning an MG post facing the sea, in a defend-the-beach mission. Then u see a platoon rushing down on you from the sea in an assault boat (think saving private ryan). They are some 5 km away. Do u fire? Nah, i wont waste my bullets, since MGs might reach a range max of abt 3km (effective killing range for MG with accuracy probably 1KM-2KM max). Hence, what i see (LOS) is not the same as what i can shoot to kill (LOF).

Making sense now?

Hence, in game too, what u see (from your excellent human eyes, and probably thru the scope of your weapons) will not equate to the maximum accuracy and killing power of your bullets / missiles etc.....

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Re: Bugs n buggy things in 2.2.1
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2009, 10:38:08 am »
just to reply on number 3 that actually makes sense, from a reality perspective

as what you are doing is not giving a person a gun you are instructing then on which weapon to draw from the armoury before boarding a craft

so you have 3 craft, all with 1 soldier on each, you have 1 assualt rifle, now all 3 soldiers carry 1 assault rifle, so ship one takes of and the soldier goes to armoury draws his weapon and goes on the mission. returns and checks the weapon in then craft 2 takes of and it's soldier draws his weapon and goes on the mission.

technically this means that if craft 2 goes on a mission while craft 1 is out then there is no weapon for that soldier to use. (in which case he goes on the mission unarmed, not a good thing)