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How do I fire a weapon?


This sounds silly but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do this?  Tried clicking the weapon, clicking the target, pressing F, space none of it works and the manual doesn't seem to cover it.

You want to click on the crosshairs box right next to the weapon, I think its blue - If you're hovering the cursor over the right thing you should have a tooltip pop up that says "primary fire mode."  Click on that, then you'll get a menu with firing options, different ways to shoot with the weapon.  Click on the box with the type of shooting you want, then you'll get a red line from the soldier to whatever you want to shoot, and finally left-click to end that red line on the alien, bad guy, whatever, and it should fire.

Sorry I don't have a screenshot handy...

Edit: Depending on what version you're playing, you should also have a tutorial slideshow you can access from the main menu, look at "Tactical Mission."

The mentioned box with type of shooting can also be grey, if you are not heaving enough time units left for this type of shooting

have a look at screenshots ;)
Version: 2.3 developer


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