And oh, could u commit this to the trunk so that the other compilers folks here can have it running too?
Actually I don't have access rights to upload anything into the SVN - I don't typically work on the code or make patches, and although I do know some C/C++ now I'm not a veteran coder and my coding would produce ugly-looking lines of code in the game, or even worse, screw up something that otherwise would have worked. (And for those reasons I never asked for such access to the SVN.) I would need more coding experience and develop my skills a bit further before I would feel comfortable being one of the project coders. Heck, it was just last week on one of my own little projects that I
finally got through "syntax hell" and figured out the proper way to "extern" an array of structs or objects of a custom class in a program split into multiple files and headers, and then access a member variable of one of those objects/structs without making the compiler vomit. That and if I had to do it again I'd have to look back at the successful code I built as an example, I can't do such a thing from memory yet.

On the other hand, I did recently build from scratch my very own custom DLL file for the first time, before that all I ever built were .EXE files.

(...But don't ask me how to make a DLL from memory!)