Just to clear things
O3 O2 ... isnt called by the script
I just use it to keep things strait and simple
The reason is this error you get
gcc group a lot of options into Os O1 O2 ...
I simply removed all those options that let ufo2map crash on a AMD K8 & intel
-O3 adds this option
-finline-functions -funswitch-loops -fpredictive-commoning -fgcse-after-reload -ftree-vectorize
Because i dont have a K10 at hand
try this
use the arrow up button to
export LDFLAGS='-s' ; export CFLAGS='-mtune=native -O1 -msse -mfpmath=sse -mieee-fp -fno-strict-aliasing ....' && make ufo2map Q= -B -j4 || exit 1 ; exit 0
remove the leading || exit 1 ; exit 0
and the CFLAGS options
-finline-functions -funswitch-loops -fpredictive-commoning -fgcse-after-reload -ftree-vectorize
one by one
to find the option that let ufo2map crash
possible that only one of these options (or maybe 2)
is responsible for this error.