Great game, though, worth the investment if you locate it. However, think in terms of the camera view in the GTKRadiant system, and you'll be around the right idea (it's not a replica, but that kind of intuitive movement).
I believe u r talking about Homeworld the game? The one in space? I have tat and i thnk HW mod and HW2.... dun sorta like it, cos of its story... earth destroyed.
But i do agree that the controls are quite good. The gameplay deserves otherwise..... i would take Combat Overlord for tactics! Lol. Anytime!
Then again, its all good in controls becos they have a keyboard keys remap option.......
Ideally, it would be nice it unzipping and editing a file weren't required. It is nice that the forums captured this issue so it can be found, but a config screen for this would be very nice.
I think that arch0njw's point is valid......
Config screen: will be once but it's not as easy as it seems AFAIK.
It would be good if geever and team could code tat config screen in...... Requires file handles for opening and saving with / without quit, writing of files and reading of files (config.keys)......
Not too hard to code, but may not be the focus at this point. But worth looking into?