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Homepage - CSS issue


Don't knwo where else to put this,
but on the homepage is an issue with the css-formatting

when hovering the top buttons and hitting the left or top border of the button, it becomes flickering

problem can be found inside the default.css file.
in section

--- Code: ---.subHeader .navigation {
--- End code ---
it says

--- Code: ---left:1px;
--- End code ---

and thats the faulty part. disabling both lines removes this flickering effect without changing any visual effects.

what`s browser do you use?
In my Opera all work as intended, just little motion for hovered links.

I've tested it with FF3.0 and confirmed. Moving the mouse to the very left edge of a tab.


Another Guy:
I've just downloaded FF 3.5 (2009-06-30). On known issues (from the release notes page), they recomend also using text-rendering: optimizeLegibility everytime u use :hover on fonts smaler than 20 pixels for sites that use online font support.
Maybe this helps.

Edit: This FF glitch is adressed here and has a fixed status (2009-07-01). Will probably be patched on next update for FF 3.5.


--- Quote from: Kildor on July 09, 2009, 05:01:29 pm ---what`s browser do you use?
In my Opera all work as intended, just little motion for hovered links.

--- End quote ---
Firefox 3.0.11 - flickering Buttons
Internet Explorer 7.0.6001 - flickering when moving pointer up and down

because of "left 1px" (or top 1px) in the css-file the button is mvoed 1 px to the right-down so if you hit the first pixel of the button, the pointer will not be on the button when it is hovered, so the hover-effect is disappearing
on disabling the hover the button moves 1 pixel top-left and so the pointer again is over the button and activates the hover-effect
and so on ...

firefox is everytime checking for pointer-position so the button is flickering all the time as long as the pointer is on this pixel
internet explrer is only checking for position when moving, so the button is either hovering or not, but will change all the time as logn as you are moving the mouse on this regarding line of pixels

don't have other browser so unable to check there

--- Quote from: Another Guy on July 09, 2009, 08:00:36 pm ---Edit: This FF glitch is adressed here and has a fixed status (2009-07-01). Will probably be patched on next update for FF 3.5.
--- End quote ---

there is no change of "font-face" in the hover-formatting ? so no FF glitch here ?


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