I've tried UFO-AI on another computer and I've noticed that in battlescape all the lines normally drawn are almost invisible. After setting gamma all the way up to max and careful inspection I found the lines, but still they are very subtle, as if 95 % transparent.
"Lines" means:
- lines drawn when an enemy or civilian is spotted
- box cursor
- line of fire aiming line
- current soldier highlight circle
I'd attach a screenshot, but when I make one, 75 % quality JPEG effectively hides all the lines altogether. I tried setting screenshot format to png, but for some reason the resulting files are still JPEGs.
The computer has an Intel GMA graphics (says "Intel G45/G43 Express Chipset" in system properties), I suppose it's a GMA 4500HD, but have no way of verifying. OS is Vista Business SP2.
Has this behavior been observed elsewhere, or am I the only unlucky one?