Technical support > Mac

Problem compiling 2.2.1 (now serious -- see second post)

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please submit patches again - so we can commit them to the 2.2 branch

It is known that every released version does not work properly if run from outside an app bundle. This has been fixed in trunk.
For 2.2.x just run "make macinstaller" and you should end up with the correct app bundle in src/ports/macosx/installer

Mattn: will try to get a clean checkout to compile and post the patch for you to integrate with the branch/tags.

Alright, the good news: It works. Diffs attached.

I can compile, and run. I played until the first mission, a terror mission. Didn't take it seriously, and got slaughtered. But it works.

That means that my compile environment is working, so the problems I'm having with the 2.3 graphics are probably not on my end. Now it's time to divide and hunt the point where the graphics broke.

thanks for the patch - would be nice if you could submit the, too ;)

Sorry, I didn't know about Blown away now that I'm back at trunk, checking that other byte/int alignment issue.

Lets see if Time Machine still has that ... ahh, yes. Good ol TM...

Garrr. grumble grumble apple's UI designed for people who aren't getting under the hood grumble grumble.

--- Quote ---An error has occured
You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are tga,obj,log,jpg,png,txt,diff,patch,md2,md3,blend,max,wings,zip,gz,bz2,odg,map,7z.
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