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Problem compiling 2.2.1 (now serious -- see second post)

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I think I'm doing it right, but 2.2.1 still doesn't like me.

 2084  svn switch
 2094  ./configure --disable-uforadiant  --enable-universal --libdir=/opt/local/lib --includedir=/opt/local/include

I'm pretty sure that's the right syntax for the svn command to give me 2.2.1.
But configure still seems to want the SDL stuff in the system /Library/Frameworks.

--- Code: ---Kleiman-ibook:trunk michael$ ./configure --disable-uforadiant  --enable-universal --libdir=/opt/local/lib --includedir=/opt/local/include
checking build system type... powerpc-apple-darwin9.7.0
checking host system type... powerpc-apple-darwin9.7.0
checking target system type... powerpc-apple-darwin9.7.0
checking system... Mac OS X
checking for sed... yes
checking for echo... yes
checking target OS... configure: error: Could not find SDL Framework at /Library/Frameworks.
--- End code ---

Before I go and clobber configure to take SDL in /opt/local/lib, is there anything else that I am missing, overlooking, unaware of, or otherwise booching?

(GRRR. System ate my post. "Modify" and "Remove" are vertically next to each other on my browser display, and "Remove" doesn't seem to require a confirmation.)

I am in need of talking with the person responsible for compiling the 2.2.1 release.

I can fix the SDL configuration by copying the section from the 2.3 configure script.

But when I have universal compiling turned on, I get this:

--- Code: ---Kleiman-ibook:trunk michael$ make
 * [UFO] src/client/cl_actor.c
gcc-4.0: -E, -S, -save-temps and -M options are not allowed with multiple -arch flags
make: *** [debug-darwin-powerpc/client/client/cl_actor.o] Error 1
--- End code ---
So how was the 2.2.1 universal compiled?

Second, with universal turned off, I get an error while compiling:

--- Code: --- * [UFO] src/ports/unix/unix_main.c
 * [UFO] src/ports/macosx/osx_main.m
In file included from /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/Security.h:24,
                 from /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Headers/LSSharedFileList.h:32,
                 from /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Headers/LaunchServices.h:37,
                 from /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Headers/CoreServices.h:41,
                 from /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Headers/Carbon.h:20,
                 from src/ports/macosx/osx_main.m:36:
/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/cssmconfig.h:64: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers
/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/cssmconfig.h:64: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers
make: *** [debug-darwin-powerpc/client/ports/macosx/osx_main.o] Error 1
--- End code ---

I'm trying to tell if this is harmless "code rot", caused by changes in headers from 10.3/10.4 to 10.5. It can be avoided by re-ordering header files. The system file in question is:

--- Code: --- 51 #ifndef _SINT32
 52 typedef int32_t sint32;
 53 #define _SINT32
 54 #endif
 55 #ifndef _SINT16
 56 typedef int16_t sint16;
 57 #define _SINT16
 58 #endif
 59 #ifndef _SINT8
 60 typedef int8_t sint8;
 61 #define _SINT8
 62 #endif
 63 #ifndef _UINT32
 64 typedef uint32_t uint32;
 65 #define _UINT32
 66 #endif
--- End code ---

Since everything seems to be protected by ifdefs, why is causing problems, why is it only showing up here, and does re-ordering the header files to fix this result in unexpected changes elsewhere?

Interestingly, this file has the "strangest" include I've seen yet:
#include <CoreServices/../Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Headers/ConditionalMacros.h>

First time I've seen a .. like that in a fixed pathname.

In the build/*.mk files you need to remove the -M options (-MD -MT $@ -MP) from the build rules. I thought that I had checked that in, but apparently only in trunk and not in the 2.2.x branch/tags.

I think that you can just remove the include of Carbon.h from osx_main.m - that should clear up the last error.


Thank you ...

Turns out that either of the two (Carbon.h and Cocoa.h) will cause the system include file to be used. Putting common.h after those two is the only thing that works.

When I run the executable from the command line, the mouse is only tracked while the button is pressed -- it does not get tracked on normal movement. And, since it only starts tracking with mousedown, and mousedown triggers whatever button is under the mouse, ...  (Also: No icon when run from the command line).

Building an installer, to see if that goes away when run as an app.


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