Development > Artwork
Soldier Uniform Colors for new solider models
isn't it possible to use those from wikipedia?
maybe u could ask him to use those.
some suggested seach terms for digital cammo patterns
MARPAT (desert and Woodland patterns)
UCP (universal Camoflauge pattern) - works well as an urban
the us airforce digital tigerstripe is a hoot
Also take a peek at some some non-digital camo patterns
Multi-cam by Crye
The aussie Desert is a hoot. (purple? WTF!)
several of the flectarns look good
--- Quote ---** Please keep in mind that some of these color patterns are meant for multiplayer, and obviously wouldn't be worn by real soldiers **
--- End quote ---
Actually what I meant by brickwall style was basically red rectangles with black between the rectangles but if you are going to make a digital square version of the red camo it's not really needed.
Thanks for the links and search terms, they gave me a lot to work off of.
I think I've almost figured out a good digital camo pattern now, as the earlier one had the pixelized squares cut too large - how do these look? (I didn't do them all, but if the digital ones done here look good I can do the rest.)
I can also add, at the bottom, a few multi-cam and other combinations that PhilRoi mentioned.
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