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Promotion and civ kills.

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It should. It did at one point, but maybe something broke it since I last tested it.

Bugs can be squashed. I'm sure you guys can find it.

Stats-up! This is good news!

For reference, see this thread.

--- Quote ---It will NOT be in 2.2.1, because of networking and savegame issues.
--- End quote ---

This explains why I didn't seem to notice my soldiers' stats increasing. And I thought my eyes and memory were playing tricks on me.

Another Guy:

--- Quote from: Another Guy on June 26, 2009, 04:50:07 pm ---Medals.ufo states max number of killed civs as one of the promotion criterias.
Which of this options apply on this case?

* Global number of civs killed;
* Number of civs killed in missions that soldier participated;
* Number of civs directly killed by that soldier;
* Other.
--- End quote ---
Does anyone actually know the answer for this?


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