Technical support > Feature Requests

RC4 - SVN-2620: Cannot 'Enter' mission


on my second mission, after the aircraft reached the site at Revelstoke,
I get the "Ready / What to do"-dialog, but pressing "Enter" does not work.

There are no errors or messages in the console.

Even more annoying:
* to select the site, I have to "doubleclick" it,
 i.e. i must select the dialog twice, and click the option for the site both times

* when selecting the aircraft at the site, it jumps away
 some distance (e.g. from Revelstoke to north of Chicago)

Now I can repeat: click site, order dropship,
when it arrives, "Enter" does not work, aircraft jumps, etc.

Now in SVN-2497, I spotted a message in ufoconsole.log when this happens:
"Dropship not near landingzone: mis->active: 1"

Issue 1537752 'Cannot "Enter" mission site' on, see

The aircraft jumping away after the unsuccessful "Enter" still happens,
but might be a separate problem...

i know naming the patches RC4 was my mistake but could you please change the topic from rc4 to svn-xxxx?

thank you ;-)

Bug is still in SVN-2620


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