General > Discussion

Numbered UFOs

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Another Guy:

--- Quote from: BTAxis on June 24, 2009, 10:56:35 am ---I simply think you should only have a single number queue. If you have more than one, in any way whatsoever, you may end up with two equal numbers on the geoscape at some point, and then you will have to check the categories to differentiate them, which is more thinking. It seems trivial, but I think it matters.

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I happen to think the oposite. Very rarely number will be the same if there is separate count for each type. And even if it occurs, is a lot less thinking to just see Fighter #4, Fighter #5 and Harvester #4 to see wich of them is the harverster (the most important thing for the tatics part is to identify the craft type).
Better than seeing UFO #4, #5 and #6. It and WILL require more thinking (or memoriztion of which UFO is which).

There won't be soo much UFOs on the geo at the same time that an average (wo)man can't remember them...


my 0,02€...

First of all, I'd say you could count upwards (no need to count types separately or "reset to zero" at any time). To clarify it's not a count of a special type you could set the number in brackets, e.g. "Harvester (UFO #4)"...?

I'm not sure how to handle identification of UFOs we already saw before (but lost contact) - are we able to recognize it (so it gets the same number) or will it be a "new" UFO?

Identification could be done in 2 steps:
On 1st sight it's just "UFO #1".
The next step would be classifying it as "large UFO #1" or sth like that. This could be related to better radar systems, longer scan-time or by a direct approach of an aircraft (as soon as the type of the UFO is already known/researched we would see "Harvester #1" instead of that).


--- Quote from: Borsti67 on June 25, 2009, 01:31:25 pm ---I'm not sure how to handle identification of UFOs we already saw before (but lost contact) - are we able to recognize it (so it gets the same number) or will it be a "new" UFO?

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We recognize we've seen it before. About the other suggestions: I found the way I'll do, and BTAxis agreed so I'm happy with it. :)


Another Guy:

--- Quote from: geever on June 24, 2009, 12:53:41 am ---Numbering by type would be better but more difficult. What should we do if we don't know an UFO? What if just get researched while it was visible on the geoscape?
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Good point.

--- Quote from: geever on June 24, 2009, 12:53:41 am ---What I was thinking about is not numbering by type but rearranging the text: "UFO #43 (Harvester)" (last part shown only if it's researched.)
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Seems good to me.

--- Quote from: geever on June 25, 2009, 05:27:18 pm ---We recognize we've seen it before. About the other suggestions: I found the way I'll do, and BTAxis agreed so I'm happy with it. :)
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Well, if it means you are doing the way you wrote on your previous posts here, I'm happy about it too.  :D


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