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Numbered UFOs
Such statistics are done behind the curtains AFAIK. Maybe we should extend statistics menu.
Another Guy:
Yeah! And numbering terror and crashsites shouldn't be too hard too as work with UFOs is already done. :P
--- Quote from: geever on June 26, 2009, 02:52:46 pm ---Sorry, I don't get it. The feature is already in only some little changes left. The UFOs spend quite little time on Earth you won't see them back too much times.
@Odie, if we ever meet there will be a title above your head: "Man #9641744". After some some beers it will change to "Man #9641744 (Odie)" ;)
--- End quote ---
I must have missed something. lol. Let me load up the latest revision tonite.....
As for the time when we meet, u might want to note that i am born with an allergy to liquor.... doc says it will break down my red blood cells and cause me to go into shock and die w/n 1 hr if untreated. So no beer, my dear dude. lol.
And hence, i will NOT become "Man #9641744 (Odie)". Lol. I be rather known as Odie! :P (and yes, odie = doggie who bites. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr *shakes paw in the air*) MUhahahhahahhahaha *evil grin*
um, why not append a letter designator at the end of the UFO # tag? like UFO 001S or UFO 002H?
S for scout, h for harvester or whatever. Or by size class, A = large, B = medium, C = small.
Information overload, mainly. In my opinion it should be kept as simple as possible, because it's all too easy to add so much information it becomes confusing.
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