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Author Topic: What revision corresponds to 2.2.1 release?  (Read 4705 times)

Offline keybounce

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What revision corresponds to 2.2.1 release?
« on: June 26, 2009, 08:35:16 am »
What is the revision number corresponding to 2.2.1 release?

And, how does svn handle branches -- if someone were to check in a patch to 2.2.1, how would it show up?

How do you do a search against the checkin notes? For example, 12320 is tagged as "bump revision to 2.3".

Offline BTAxis

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Re: What revision corresponds to 2.2.1 release?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2009, 12:10:25 pm »
2.2.x has its own branch, and you can browse the SVN. Take a look at this:
You'll see the 2.2 branch's last revision is r16652.

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Re: What revision corresponds to 2.2.1 release?
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2009, 08:24:25 pm »
Alright, I need to learn more about the svn tools.

If every check in, on any branch, gets a sequential number, how do you track the main trunk checkin numbers? Can you get a visual of the various branches?

Looking over at (first time):
Release 1.5 took much longer to finish than prior releases, but the headliner feature was gigantic: semi-automated tracking of branching and merging.
Ahh. Wonders of wonders, the biggest flaw of CVS.

Except mac still uses 1.4.4. Sigh. Triple sigh.

I know that svn has a date-based checkout command, but nothing I toss at it is considered good. What's the syntax for it?

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Re: What revision corresponds to 2.2.1 release?
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2009, 10:37:31 pm »
Ok, I've been going over the book at, and while there's probably more that I yet to find, here's what's not working.

A svn up -r 16652 got a big revision out. That should be 2.2.1 release if I understand things correctly.

./configure --disable-uforadiant --enable-universal --includedir=/opt/local/include/ --libdir=/opt/local/lib/

fails. It cannot find the SDL libraries. A check of configure shows this:
        # fix this darn SDL stuff....
        if test -d /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework

But the SDL libraries are libraries in /opt/local/lib, not system frameworks. Fixing this would be easy, but the point is, this means that 16652 is actually NOT the final revision of 2.2.1.

So at this point, I'm not sure which of the following apply:
1. I'm misunderstanding what you said in your last post,
2. I'm not using svn correctly
3. The system that this was compiled on before was not standard
4. My system has somehow become significantly different (very possible; 10.4 versus 10.5)
5. Something else is going on.

Backing up for a second: The point here is to see if I can get 2.2.1 to compile and run (validating my build environment), then move along the 2.3 development line, starting at the version that is closest to 2.2.1, and find the point at which the PPC support broke; knowing where it broke means that people who know the code can figure out what broke.

My questions at this point:
1. Does anyone know which of 1-5 above is what's going on?
2. Is there a better way to find the PPC failures than what I've outlined?

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Re: What revision corresponds to 2.2.1 release?
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2009, 11:00:19 pm »
If you want the release of 2.2.1, you can grab it from sourceforge, which has the source available as one download.

Also, I don't know if this is true for Mac but I know the Windows installer includes the source as well as the compiled game in the release download, and when installing the game I recall an option to also unpack the included source.

Offline keybounce

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Re: What revision corresponds to 2.2.1 release?
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2009, 12:06:49 am »
Ok, I've been going over the book at, and while there's probably more that I yet to find, here's what's not working.

A svn up -r 16652 got a big revision out. That should be 2.2.1 release if I understand things correctly.
2. I'm not using svn correctly

Ok, so it seems that there's an svn switch command

mutter mutter cvs behavior isn't svn behavior mutter mutter